$16.00 - $20.00 hourly
All My Sons Moving & Storage
Jacksonville, FL, USA
**ONSITE JOB OFFERS!!!** Hiring Drivers We make it fast and easy to start working! Pre-qualify within minutes!! Driver Pay: Paid Weekly $16 to $20 per hour (Based on Experience) TIPS Earned Daily $20 to $150 Per Day Driver Monthly Performance Bonus Program Perks Eligible for health insurance after 1 year and 1500 hours Eligible to contribute to 401k plan after 90 days. Beautiful Branded 26 Ft. Box Truck’s: New Equip. "Automatic Trans." State of the Art Tablets for Electronic Paperwork Flexible Scheduling REQUIREMENTS Drivers: 19+ years of age No Special License Required Able to move furniture and lift at least 75lbs Ability to climb stairs daily PfCKQvb3vY